Voice For Animals
Voice For Animals

Welcome to Voice for Animals

I cannot emphasise enough what a priviledge it is to be able to communicate with animals.

Animal Communication allows us to give animals a voice, enabling them to let us know how they feel, inform us of their fears, share what they enjoy, who they love and to tell us what we can do for them. We do this telepathically with animals both alive and in spirit.

When we allow ourselves to clear our minds and feel the love for nature and the animal we wish to communicate with we can receive messages in the form of an image, a voice or a feeling in our body. 

Get in touch


 I have always been passionate about animals, but since being the lucky guardian to my Flatcoated Retriever Louis, life has been one big exciting journey. Sharing your life with animals heals your soul and I truly believe it  can make us better human beings. It was for Louis' health reasons we delved into the unknown world of Animal Communication.  Mary Bolingbroke came highly recommended and when we received her feedback from Louis, both my husband and I were blown away at the detail Louis understood and shared. Since that very first feedback session I was interested and needed to understand more. I have never looked back.

Mary continues to work with Louis offering healing support when he needs it and it gives Louis his opportunity to express his needs.

I am proud to say after over 2 years studying with Susie Shiner I am a qualified Animal Communicator. 

Since qualifying, I have been helping animals and their guardians for many different reasons. Sometimes just to connect at a deeper level and curiosity about their happiness, sometimes to understand behavioral issues, or if they are lost,  and often because they are deeply missed since moving from this world to the next.

Albeit years on, I have only just started this incredible journey, and I will continue to ensure I maintain the highest level of commitment to the animals, expanding my spiritual and personal growth to continue to provide professional excellence. Louis and I continue to work on this together, along with all of the other wonderful people and animals I have met through Animal Communication.

Together we can all make a difference to animals lives.


My Mission

To use my skills as an Animal Communicator......

 To give all animals I have the opportunity and the pleasure to work with a voice and to pass on their true message with no interpretation or judgement from me.

To help improve the lives of our animals and to make sure they know they are loved and that they are heard.

To provide comfort to those who are caring for animals or missing those who are now in spirit.

To try and help reunite those animals who have gone missing and are lost.

To bring my services to those struggling in shelters with the ultimate aim of helping them be understood and rehomed.

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